
Friday, November 30, 2012

five on friday - holiday thoughts

Holiday Thoughts

Here we are again, in the midst of another holiday season. 
While I enjoy looking at everyone’s holiday trees and decorations and crafts (really, I do), I’ve done absolutely nothing. 
My calendar tells me it’s still November - okay – so it’s the last day of November - yikes - I’m feeling behind. All you early birds are stressing me out! 
Just kidding – (kind of) 

Okay – so maybe it’s not entirely true that I’ve done absolutely nothing. 
I organized my holiday playlist. 
If there’s one thing that helps me de-stress during my daily commute, 
it’s belting out “O Holy Night” in my car as though I’m Mariah Carey. 

When I was a kid, my parents hid the Sears Wish Book until December 1. 
See – I’m not really behind, right? 
Remember the Sears Wish Book? 
Oh how we loved that catalog. 
We fought over it, spent hours gazing at toys, and circled nearly everything in it. 
Can you imagine kids today getting excited over the Sears Wish Book? 
Times, they sure have changed…

I was very excited the other morning, when I saw several trees hauled into the quad outside my office. 
Last night was the tree lighting – complete with an a capella chorus. 
Seriously, I wish I could ease my data analysis frustrations with the sounds of Christmas carols floating through my office window every day. 
These pictures were taken from my office window - with my point-and-shoot - in the dark. 
I had fun playing with photoshop paint effects to change my blurry photos into a blurry paintings. 

This weekend I vow to get started on my holiday preparations. 
Maybe some candles in the windows – a wreath on the door…. 
How about you? Have you started your holiday decorating? Shopping?

Reflection of You

Thanks for dropping in!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

walking off the pie

Friday afternoon, feeling somewhat blobby from all that stuffing and pie
(or was it from stuffing myself with pie?),
we headed outside for a walk.
I've been wanting to go hiking,
but it's hunting season in Vermont and I keep forgetting to buy orange vests -
not that an orange vest would offer any protection from stray bullets...
We stuck to the roads.
Ice is already starting to form on this pond -
Oh yeah, we'll be skating soon.
Well, I might not - I stand a better chance of staying alive by wearing an orange vest in the woods -
during hunting season...
A little farther down the street, the people in this neigborhood share access to the pond.
I think I'd like to borrow one of those canoes.
Hmmm, I wonder if I need an orange vest out on the pond.
And then, completely unrelated to watery sporting activites -
I really like this stone fence and picket gate.
I'm wondering if it will have a Christmas wreath soon.
More Watery Wednesday and Rural Thursday fun by clicking the buttons below.

Thanks for dropping in!

Monday, November 26, 2012

tractor parade and a vermont barn

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We enjoyed a fantastic dinner with my family (sans Chicago-daughter who won't make it home until Christmas),
then headed to Vermont for the weekend.
Normally I'd be moaning right now about all the shopping and holiday preparations that need to be done -
but then - there's nothing quite like a little snow squall and a good old fashioned tractor parade to get me humming holiday tunes.
Yep, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Saturday afternoon while out running errands,
the sky was threatening snow.

This place caught my eye.
I love the weathered wood, the old wheels and metal roof.
I can't tell whether this barn is in use or not.

Today, it was back to the office - and a busy month ahead.

An iphone shot of the tractor parade
 - you get the idea  :-)
Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

watery wednesday - an old vermont grist mill

Weston, Vermont

I'm not sure what it is about old grist mills that I find so fascinating.
Do you remember a short-run television show from the 70s about a family that moved into an old grist mill?
Apple something... No? - Oh well...
We found this one hidden behind the Weston Playhouse

Which - as a complete aside - is a super fantastic place to see a play -
if you like that sort of thing - which i do

I think this grist mill is part of a museum that I have yet to visit -

I've been organizing my quickly-growing collection of photos,
(and actually deleting a few because, let's face it, some are just not that good)
and I was feeling lucky to run  across several watery ones from this summer.
Pretty soon, the only water I'll be seeing around here will be the frozen kind.

And now - it's time to take my pie out of the oven.
Triple Chocolate Pumpkin
(recipe - just in case you're feeling the same as I did when I read - Triple-Chocolate-Pumpkin)
Here's hoping it's half as good as Martha's!

I'm wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Thanks for dropping in!

Monday, November 19, 2012

scouting pennsylvania barns

Last weekend, we took a trip to Central Pennsylvania for a family get-together.
As years go by, and with family scattered across the country, 
these gatherings are as rare as they are enjoyable.
The weekend was filled with laughter and stories - sharing the good and the not-so-good -
as families often do.

Greg and I had the pleasure of exploring the Pennsylvania countryside
with our two lovely nieces from Arkansas.
The mission - scouting for barns, farms and Amish - which seemed like a pretty easy mission for Central Pennsylvania.

This was the closest we came to a buggy
But, I'd still call the outing a success.

This camera-shy cow turned to let me take her picture after I mooed to her.
Apparently, I have a knack for mooing.

We found many quaint farms.

and beautiful barn yards

and charming barns.

We enjoyed our Pennsylvania gathering so much that a summer get-together in Baltimore is in the works - 
God willin' and the crick don't rise.

Thanks for dropping in!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

covered bridges

There is nothing quite so charming as a covered bridge.
I'm not sure why that is -
I don't question it.
It just is.
Last weekend we were out scouting for covered bridges,
and this was one of my favorites.
It was a little bit off the beaten path -
of course, in Vermont, that's a relative term...

There aren't many beaten paths.
We explored outside the bridge and inside.
I think one car passed through.

Afterwards, at our favorite coffee shop we got a lesson in "Vermontisms"
The lady who runs the coffee shop asked Greg,
"So when I say 'I'll see you tomorrow', you say...."
Greg: - "Ummmmm - okay!"
Lady: "Noooooo.."
Greg:  "See you tomorrow?"
Lady: "No - God willin' and the crick don't rise"

I like that - I really, really like that!
So, I'll be back for another post next week -
God willin' and the crick don't rise.
Until then,

I am joining

Thanks for dropping in!

Monday, November 12, 2012

a veteran's day thank you - and barn charm

Before sharing my barn for this week,
I would like to wish a heart felt thank you to all Veteran's, troops, and their families.
As I spend the day at home doing nothing of any significance,
I understand that this is a luxury I enjoy because of the brave
dedication of all who fight for our freedom as well as the sacrifices
made by their families.

Newfane, Vermont - July 2012
For this, I am truly grateful!

This past weekend was one of those truly beautiful Fall weekends that makes
 this my most very favorite season.
Greg and I enjoyed the company of one of his brothers and sister-in law.
While we played tourist a bit, I took lots and lots of pictures of covered bridges.
The photos for these weeks barn charm actually come from a bike ride that Greg and I took
back in August.

There's a part of me that misses all this green.
I really like the vine growing on the weathered wood.

Vermont is full of photogenic barns.
In fact - so much so that our weekend guests began to scout out barns for me
- enthusiastically pointing out some for future posts.

Barn charm is certainly contagious.

Thanks for dropping in!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

a weekend in the country

Yep, it's Sunday
and  I actually managed to complete this week's Scavenger Hunt
I'm kind of feeling like the week is starting out right!

For this week's cues, I'd like you to join me for a weekend in the country.
(it's kind of what my blog is about, after all - okay, well, sort of...)

Allow me to introduce you to Nutty.

We've been watching this little guy carry his nuts across our deck all summer long.
It finally occurred to us to wonder where he was taking them.
Have you guessed? - Oh yeah, he's living in our attic.
That's nature for you!

Vintage or Retro

This is another place that we pass by nearly every weekend.
43.9 cents per gallon? Now that is certainly retro!!

Vermont is one whimsical state!
While this is normal to Vermonters -

the Bostonian in me finds it whimsical.

Ahhhh - I LOVE to eat.
Now, if I just loved to cook -

but I'm pretty darned good at boiling water for a nice cup of tea.

Weeks' Best
I originally shot this gnome for the whimsical photo.

While I've been trying to improve my photography
and have felt more than mildly disappointed in many of my shots,
this one made me feel as though I might actually be learning!
I added a little texture, but that was it.

Have a great week!
And as always -

Thanks for dropping in!

Friday, November 9, 2012

five on friday - random, rambling thoughts

Random thoughts from a cluttered mind

I've been in a bit of a funk this week with random thoughts cluttering my mind.

1)      I found these photos in my archive - I never realized that I like sculpture - but, yep, I sure do.
(Not to mention that, right now, I kind of feel like I can relate to this guy.)

2) And then, speaking of art, I've been diligently working on my photography. I've had more than a few discouraging moments - you know the kind that make you want to give it up. But then - 
I really do enjoy it -
a lot.

3) And this makes me think of some other things I enjoy Lately, I've been reading more than usual. I don't watch much television, and with all the campaign ads on, I was watching even less - and - we've found we don't miss it. Not even a little bit. I look forward to unwinding at the end of the day with a book.

4) And while I'm thinking about things I look forward to, the holidays are coming up - which means Chicago daughter is headed home for a week, and nearby apartment daughter will be staying at home, too (with the cat).

5) And finally, as my cluttered brain ponders all of this, I think maybe, just maybe, my funk is beginning to lift.

I'm wishing you all a really great weekend!

I am joining Reflection of You for Five on Friday

Thanks for dropping in!

Monday, November 5, 2012

barn charm - off the beaten path

We had no plans for Saturday -
other than running a few errands - and a trip to Orvis.
(Winter is quickly making its way to Vermont - time for a warm work shirt!)

We decided to make an afternoon of it, and take a ride off the beaten path.
(You know you're leading an exciting life when you plan your afternoon around a trip to Orvis...)

But -
I'm glad we did!
We found this beautiful farm in Landgrove, Vermont.

This barn is such a vibrant red - and the chickens out back added some color of their own.

There were a few tiny wet flakes flying around this weekend.
And I'm busily crocheting a warm throw that I hope to share in another week or two.

I'm joining Tricia at Bluff Area Daily for this week's

Thanks for dropping in!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

sunday best

Driving through the countryside, we found this building next door to a quilt shop in Londonderry, Vermont.
This sighting required another quick u-turn.

Everything about it whispers "Quintessential Vermont" to me -

the weathered wood, the water wheel, the stone wall and metal roof,
not to mention the beautiful setting.
The quilt shop next door is worth a visit too!

(Textures by Kim Klassen and Nancy Claeys)

Thanks for dropping in!