away for the weekend: boston work days

Friday, April 6, 2012

boston work days

You all know how I love getting away for the weekend...

On weekday mornings after fighting my way into work -

I feel fortunate if I arrive unfrazzeled  (I know, not a real word).
That nasty reputation that Boston drivers have? Yep, we earned it.

But then, some days I step outside at lunch time and I see tour busses lining the street outside my office -

and tourists taking photos of the place where I come to work everyday -

and groups of students visiting on a school trip -

and I feel very lucky to work in such an awesome location.

Another sign that Summer is coming soon - water starting to fill the reflecting pool (those of us who work here mourn every Fall when it's drained).

Besides, there are a few perks of working in the city -

that I just can’t complain about.

Thanks for dropping in!

1 comment:

  1. You've really got perspective! I must admit that there is NOTHING that interesting in North Andover. I'm pretty sure that there are not tourists either.


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