away for the weekend: September 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

good fences and pausing for red chairs

I don't know what it is about Adirondack chairs, but they always make me want to slow down.
Walking from one meeting to another, yesterday
- the red chairs on the other side of the fence made me pause -

and smile.
And - the sunshine didn't hurt, either.

I'm joining Theresa for Good Fences
I wish you a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

see you in september

Oh wait - it is September
- my favorite month - and yet - where the heck did summer go?
Mine was a bit like a roller coaster ride - lots of ups and downs
- and I've been feeling a little bit dazed and a lot speechless.

One of the "ups" happened on a rainy day in July when Maggie and her friend, Greg,
 completed their hike of the Appalachian Trail.

The clouds cleared just long enough for us to get a glimpse of Mt. Katahdin
and wonder where our hikers were...

We are so happy to have her home again!

And - she made it home in time for another summer highlight -
Laura and Jeff's engagement celebration.

the happy couple

This was one of many family celebrations in July which also included my mom's 80th birthday
 and my niece's (2nd from left) bridal shower.


On another note - bird watching at Away is on hold until December.
As it turns out, this furry creature (caught more than once on our critter-cam) made his(her?)
way onto our deck.

- and completely annihilated our bird feeders.
(Bad Bear!)
Okay -  we were warned - but seriously -
I never imagined he'd climb up to our second story deck!
Yeah - anyway - as much as I wish I had actually seen this happen
(how awesome would that have been?)
I probably shouldn't be inviting bears to picnics on our deck - 
so... we'll buy some new feeders after this stinker goes into hibernation - Bad Bear!

While I enjoy sharing our summer "ups", our "downs" aren't mine to share
 - but I surely would appreciate any kind thoughts, prayers, or well wishes you can send
for one of my family members.
Knowing that life isn't fair, sure doesn't make it hurt any less.
Thanks, so much.

And this has been my summer. 
I hope you've had a wonderful summer - I'd love to hear about your favorite summer memories