away for the weekend: fabulous finds in newfane

Friday, March 30, 2012

fabulous finds in newfane

Ever since settling into Away, I’ve been on a quest for this book:

I think I may love picture books more now than I did as a child...Written by Vermont artist Stephen Huneck, this is one of a series of picture books about a black labrador named Sally. Have I mentioned yet that I love labrador retreivers? Well, if you know me, you know that I do. The very minute our weekdays ease up a bit, we'll be applying for a rescue lab. But, as our lifestyle doesn’t allow for a dog right now, I find enjoyment in things like this. (Okay, lame, I know)
Last Sunday on our way home, I asked Greg to make a stop in Newfane at the Newfane Country Store. As another aside,  Newfane is definitely worth a stop just for the sake of a picture. It has one of the most photographed commons in Vermont (I stopped to take these photos last winter when there was actually some snow).

Newfane, Vermont

Newfane, Vermont

This country store is great fun (probably even more so if you happen to be with someone who actually enjoys shopping). Funny though – Greg never leaves here empty-handed.

Newfane Country Store

Sooooooo, to make a long story short – not only did I find the book I’ve been hunting through bookstores for, but we also found these fabulous maps! You may remember that we’re map nuts, and I just bought a cartography shower curtain for our bathroom. I sense a theme here (and I’m really not a theme sort of gal). Are these not perfect?

 and - just for fun...

Thanks for dropping in!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Karen! I'm surprised I haven't seen all of these before. I'm looking forward to seeing how the maps turn out matted.


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