
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

52 photos - my "healthy you" hike

So we're doing this thing at work -
the "Healthy You Challenge" -
it's totally optional, but then, who doesn't want a little healthy challenge?
Yeah, well, anyway - we wear these pedometers and sync them up on a website that tells me:
"You average 3,000 steps per day - your colleagues average 7,500"
Say what!?!?!
Yeah, I know, I work in an office...

I guess there's nothing like being told I'm not keeping up with my colleagues to send me hiking.
Not that I'm competitive, or anything...

So on my walk I found:

sunglasses hanging on a tree

a tree growing out of a boulder

and a beautiful view at the top.

Ha! 11,300 steps - that should beat my colleagues average
errrrr - make me so much healthier :-)

This was a great little hike in Townshend State Park
I'm thinking we'll do it again in the Fall for a little leaf peeping.

For more great walks, head to 52 Photos Project where the theme this week is:
"I went for a walk and this is what I found:"

Have you taken any interesting walks lately?


  1. Fun post Karen! That tree growing out of a boulder is quite an amazing scene/photo. Here's to a healthier, longer, more enjoyable life!

  2. Ha! You sound like me....I hate to be beaten by my co-workers! I don't think of myself as competitive, either, but just tell me that I'm getting behind them, and wow! Will I out perform them! I really don't mean to, but it just is in my blood, I guess. Great finds on your walk. Love the tree growing out of a boulder! And I think those are MY sunglasses. I lost a pair a year ago right about there. :)

  3. Way to go you will show them are the lucky ones look what you brought us. Awesome B

  4. I meant WE are the lucky ones. Darn tablet. B

  5. Yes! I'm walking the Katy trail in Missouri! I've gone 38 miles! I'm hoping it'll make me healthier, too! Twyla

  6. Doesn't that tree look like it is in motion, its big ol octopus roots taking grasp, all these shots are great, 11,300 steps wow! we recently did several hours on a trail called the 'canal de carpentras'.

  7. Didn't sense any competitive tone to your post at all Karen -- lol. What a beautiful hike. Now if you do that every day.... :)

  8. That view would be worth every step - I would be competitive too if it was posted like that :-)

  9. oh my gosh, i don't know how you 'suffer' with that view! holy smokes! and your competitive nature makes me laugh. i have very little. i push myself for myself. :)

  10. Great Photo Walk and you beat your colleagues and got healthier all at the same time.

  11. what a great place for a hike!! back in the day, i climbed mt. graylock, a long time ago!!

  12. LOVE that view at the Breathtaking. I would just sit there for hours and take it all in...

  13. That view is certainly worth every step! Wow! And that tree--that is a marvel. Great photos!

    Your handled your competitiveness very well--you went for a hike and got a little more healthy! :-)

  14. Oh yes, healthy is good and the bonus is that breath-taking view from the top!!

  15. LOL- My dh did that, but some of the men at his work were cheating under the category of "driving" they included their drives in vehicles..including golf carts. So funny!

  16. What great things you saw on your walk. Love the tree with the sunglasses and the one growing out of a boulder. The view is terrific! I wouldn't do well in a competition like that.

  17. I love that tree growing out of the boulder. So cool! It's great that you are participating in the healthy challenge. Nothing like a little competition to get you moving! Haha :)

  18. You showed us some very beautiful scenery and got some exercise besides.

  19. That IS a grrreat view! =)

  20. You have me smiling - nothing like a little friendly competition to get us going! That tree shot is amazing - look at those roots.

  21. No exciting walks for me lately. I do think it’s fun to take my Little Dog for a walk, when I walk outside. I still want to climb Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

    The view from your hike is beautiful. The fall colors will be worth the repeat journey.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  22. On my farm walk today I found a lot of green tomatoes. Where are the red ones?! lol

  23. I love hiking and am out tramping in the woods most every weekend. Like the photos selections from your hike.

  24. oh gosh, that is hilarious, take that co-workers! that's a neat idea though, it would motivate me those sunglasses on a tree! have a great weekend :)

  25. I commend you on walking. I used to walk four miles a day but got out of the habit when my husband was ill. Never have gotten back. I need to as it truly does make you fell better.

  26. I've totally been sloughing it on my daily walks because of the heat. I probably need a pedometer that shocks me into action. :) Good for you! That tree growing out of the rock is really cool. And so is your new header; I think it really tells your blog's story.

  27. There's nothing like a little friendly competition to make life more interesting....just look what gorgeous shots you were able to take while out getting healthy....

  28. The sunglasses had me laughing. The tall trees and rock has me hankering for a walk in the forest, of which I have plenty to choose from. And the view had me guessing what your humidity factor is. Hee-hee!

  29. Beautiful walk views, Karen - the light is amazing and I love the bright greens!
    I know the feeling when the amount of steps is not at all close to 10.000 - We start also a 3 weeks go at my Work in September ... Will need to walk every evening a long tour - At the office durign a day I get up to 3-4000 steps max.

  30. The sunglasses are funny, but all the others are wonderful. That looks like a wonderful walk, and the health benefits are an added bonus for sure.

  31. The view from the top is truly spectacular. And the sunglasses are just plain funny. Thanks for sharing. Great captures!

  32. such a beautiful place to go for a walk! I could really use a pedometer too

    Delightful Ideas
    Sandal Giveaway

  33. Walking with the company of nature is always healthy and pleasure... keep up the challenge Karen :)

  34. I love what you found, Karen! Thank you for sharing.


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