
Friday, April 5, 2013

five on friday

Killer week - and that's enough on that topic...

Anyway - walking back to my mom's house last weekend,
I noticed this fence zigzagging up a side street,
and it actually worked well with this weeks 100 mm.

So, for my five random thoughts, I'm finding that I really like Deanna's Letters on Friday format:

Dear Friday,
Thank you for being you. I'm so happy that you're here!

Dear 100mm,
I know I haven't really given you a fair shot, but we're probably not going to be bff's - we just don't seem to see things the same way.

Dear Vermont,
I get the whole mud season thing, really I do, but please - please - allow my little Subaru to make it up the hill to my driveway tonight. Please?

Dear 5 am
Why, oh why, oh why must you be such a rude awakening? Every day you arrive much too quickly and you're much too dark - just saying.

Dear Headache,
Stop - now - please.

I'm joining Random Five Friday and Friday's Fences

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh I do hope your headache disappears. Have a nice relaxing weekend. B

  2. yucky on the headaches. i know i have gotten more as i have gotten older. meds don't work. i usually need a nap or quiet time. enjoy your weekend. i love that fence. so decorative. ( ;

  3. As much of a morning person as I am, I admit that yes 5AM arrives MUCH too quickly :)

  4. Karen,
    I also enjoy Deanna's Letters on Friday!

    We would love to have mud. It is so dry and dirty here.

    Our days start early too. I get up at 5 and turn the coffee pot on, then go back to bed for half an hour. When I get up my coffee is ready to go. I need a cup before The Rancher and I go check for new calves at 6 am.

    Hope your headache goes away and you have a wondeful weekend.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  5. Nice fence your random 5 too!

  6. Headaches are the enemy.
    I enjoy your five - you made me smile.
    Happy 5 Day!

  7. sounds like you are having as much rain in Vermont as we are in Virginia. Must be a thing for states that start with 'V'

  8. Dear Friday...I love you.
    Is your 100mm a macro?
    Dear Vermont...I loved driving through you but would love to spend more time with you one day.
    Dear 5AM...WTH?
    Dear Headache...have mercy.

    Hoping this weekend is better for you! <3

  9. I hope you get rid of the headache and can have a relaxing weekend.

  10. i like those old wood fences, so much character =)

  11. hope you get home and get rid of your headache! :)

  12. awwww this is fun, random...i like your five. well not that you have a headache & i know all about mud, let's just say i like the image & we'll leave it at that!!

  13. Ugh headaches. I have one right now.

  14. Hope the headache leaves pronto! They're no fun. I love the zig-zaggety fence--so much character! I enjoyed your letters format, too.

  15. Same headache here- mine is sinus problems caused by spring allergies. Hope you have a good weekend!

  16. Nice handcrafted fence, and hope the mug doesn't bog your Subaru down. : )

  17. Such an early morning you've had ... I hope you can sleep in this weekend - and that the headache will stop. Maybe a nice bikeride if the weather allows?
    ... Hope you have a great weekend,

  18. That is a zig zag fence and I like the way the road turns at the bottom. It looks like a pretty area. Pamela

  19. Love this post, and i love your fence pic! :) 5 am? Hmm...

  20. Hope you aren't mired on mud. I remember mud season. Happy headacheless weekend to you!

  21. Mud season? I've never heard of that but it doesn't sound pleasant. Love the fence photo -- I don't have a 100 mm lens, but based on your review, I might not want one?

    Thanks so much for joining in this week Karen, and I hope you get rid of that headache. xo

  22. Cool shot of the fence! The 100mm looks like it worked well for the photo. Sorry you have a headache - hope you get better before the weekend starts! :)

  23. This sounds like a good way to puzzle your puzzler and have some fun. I'm sure your headache will disappear.

  24. Mmmmm, 5 a.m. wake times, mud, lousy lens, head-ache......Sounds like Friday is here just in time! Hope you get some R&R this weekend! I like your fence shot! :) xx

  25. Hoping yo have a good dose of sunny days and warm nights making their way to you soon. A little spring makes everything so much better.

  26. Awesome fence, and great Random 5! (5 am every morning...yuk!)

  27. Hope the headache goes and you can get quickly back to enjoying yourself, Karen. I never made friends with my 100mm either, even though it was a wonderful lens. Also mud season on the Va eastern shore. It's nice that we can sleep in later than 5 am.

  28. Mud season better than snow perhaps? :)

  29. Like the new format! Hope the headache went away in time for a great weekend.

  30. I like the zig-zag fence but it appears it may have a little too much zig or zag. Looks like some rebar is being used to keep the posts more sturdy. :)
    I love Deanna's Friday format too. I just haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet.
    Hope all worked out and the headache disappeared and you ended up having a wonderful weekend.


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