
Sunday, August 26, 2012

scavenger hunt sunday - boating

Boat Outing

Friends of ours invited us for a day on their boat.
Yes, please!!
It turned out to be one of those beautiful summer days...
Sunshine, ocean breezes, food, laughs, and lots of playing with my camera.

This week's scavenger hunt cues are:


We cruised around Cape Ann and came upon this high school right along the waterfront.

This is Gloucester High School which became infamous as the home of the "Pregnancy Pact"

Rule of Thirds

I struggled with this one, as I am still learning this rule.
But I liked this view and tried applying the rule of thirds to make it a more interesting shot.

original shot - lighthouse is centered

I cropped the second image to feature the lighthouse and rocky breakwater
(moving the point at which they meet to the imaginery intersection of the center right, and lower lines of the grid)

Side Profile

This friendly guy was hanging out on a boat at the dock.

What a handsome profile he has!


I grew up in the Midwest, and still remember how small I felt the first time I saw the ocean.

To this day, I cannot be near the ocean without being reminded how very small we are on this earth.


The wind was blowing, the flag was flapping, and the water rushing as we went out on the open water.

For more Scavenger Hunt Sunday, hop on over to
Ramblings and Photos by Ashley Sisk

Thanks for dropping in!


  1. These are great, loving motion! And I am a sucker for lighthouses!

  2. Lighthouses are always so interesting and yours is no exception. Looks like you had a beautiful day on the boat. I love the motion of the flag.

  3. Looked like a gorgeous day to boating. I've only been to Gloucester once, but it is very nice.

  4. I love any day spent on the water. Great place to take your series this week.
    The rule of thirds made such a big difference in your pic after you cropped it - nice job!

  5. Your rule of thirds is gorgeous. I love lighthouses.

  6. You set is really good.
    School - How cool that you happened upon this school on your boat outing and I do recall the movie about that.
    Rule of Thirds - You nailed this with your edit and I love lighthouses.
    Side Profile, Very handsome dog.
    Small - I totally agree with your thoughts on the ocean.
    Motion - Great capture of the flag and the motion of the water.

  7. What a wonderful set this week. They are all wonderful. I just love the water, makes all my problems seem so small..

  8. Karen,

    I love what you did with the lighthouse picture. I wanted to catch a waving flag for motion, but I could not find one in time. I was so happy to see yours.

    I wonder if the students learn anything in a high school by the sea...


  9. What a wonderful day you spent with friends capturing all of these delights. I love how you applied the rule of thirds to your lighthouse image. So much more visually interesting.

  10. Looks like a wonderful time on the water. I love the flag blowing in the breeze, and I really like how you cropped the lighthouse. 'Hope you have a great week. :)

  11. yep.. the lighthouse is my fav too!! and yes... handsome profile indeed! ;)


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